Our Story

Meet our Pastor and First Lady

Elder George D. Patten and First Lady Willie Mae Patten have spent many years working as kingdom builders.  They first met as members of Progressive Church of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and later were united in holy matrimony on December 18, 1961.  Through this union, God blessed them with two daughters; Dr. Erica Patten (Raymond) Fields and the late Allison Patten (Wayne) Henry.  They have three beautiful grandchildren; Jasmine, Amber, and Taylor.    

Elder and Sister Patten have opened their homes and hearts to many that have crossed their paths.  The first services of True Believers Church were held in the den of their home on Cliffside Drive in Columbia, South Carolina.  They, along with eleven other charter members started this great work.  The couple is known for being two caring and giving people that go the extra mile to make sure the needs of others are met.  They give of their time and support to enrich the lives of those they touch, while emphasizing the importance of fasting and praying and living according to the Word of God.  It is a blessing to have them as spiritual leaders.

A Message From Our Pastor

As I reflect back over my life, I marvel at the many blessings God has bestowed upon me.  Growing up in the county of Edgefield and being the son of a sharecropper wasn’t an easy life, but I thank God for all of my experiences because they have made me what I am today.  When the Lord spoke to me and told me that it was time for me to start this church, I can’t explain the emotions that welled up inside of me.

Nevertheless, I ventured out under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and have relied on that spirit to provide the vision for the growth and expansion of this great work.  I’ll be the first to admit that being a pastor was not something I dreamed of becoming.  Before pasturing this church, I can remember countless trips to smaller churches in other areas that were in need of support.  I gave of my time and service by providing music from my guitar, by giving financially, or simply lending a helping hand.  Never being one that enjoyed being in the forefront, working behind the scenes came relatively easy for me.   Besides, this, at that time, was my calling, and one that gave me great joy.
When this church was first started, the Lord showed me that this church would be built on the apostolic doctrine and centered on the basics…fasting and prayer, tithes and offerings, and the Word of God.  I can remember my mother, the late Bertha Patten, sharing with me a dream she had in which the church name was revealed.  Significantly, in the dream, she saw a church with great rejoicing and full of God’s anointing.  Even though we are not among the largest in number, my prayer has always been that the Spirit of God dwells richly in this place.  This prayer has been answered.  
Nearly 31 years have now past and I am grateful to God for how he has granted me the wisdom and strength to lead His people.  It has been an honor to pastor you.  Yes, we have been through rough times and good times.  We’ve laughed together and cried together.  Those of you, who began in the den, as well as newcomers, have demonstrated your loyalty to this church and to me as your pastor.  As I have stated many times before, last names are not important.  It matters not to me if you’ve been here for 20 years or 20 days.  I love and respect each of you for who you are.  My desire is to see each of you grow spiritually and live successful and prosperous lives.  
So, now as we embark upon this progressing era, True Believers, let us not waver in our service to the building of God’s kingdom.   Let us declare as the scripture, “The glory of thislatter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.”  Haggai 2:9.  Oh ye True Believers, you rank among the greatest, and I am proud to be your pastor!  

A Message From Our First Lady

Words from First Lady Patten....

 Praise the Lord to the precious saints of our Savior Jesus Christ. Today, I bring you tidings of great joy! It is hard to believe that it has been nearly 31 years. The Lord has been good to True Believers Church, wherein we are truly grateful. God has brought us and kept us through rough times and good times, rain and sunshine, tears and laughter, pain and healing, but by faith, God has allowed us to overcome obstacles that the devil put in our path. I encourage you, my brothers and sisters to press forward. Keep turning the pages to your past and trust God for a brighter future. Likewise, I am turning the page today on everything of the past except those things that were for the glory of God and for the edification of the body of Christ. I will say as the Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:13, “Brethren, I count not myself to be apprehended; but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.”

Please join us, the True Believers Church as we press on in this decade with fasting, praying, reading our Word daily to obtain the prize of the high calling of Jesus Christ. Endeavor to serve God with perseverance, endurance, integrity, character, vision, courage, excellence, faith, and prayer, as we become kingdom builders for God. Join me in believing God for miracles and healing, as we fulfill our purpose driven lives. May God bless each of you with good health, prosperity, and spiritual growth. I love each and every one of you from the depths of my heart.

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Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9:30 am and 11 am.